It was clearly so fast that my own perception of space and time had been warped, and the whole world seemed to slow to a crawl. Such was the hardcore x-tremeness of the acceleration, such was the force behind this beast of a machine, that I barely noticed a difference in velocity. Being the hardcore rebel that I am, I decided to take it to the max and make it x-treme, so I put it in hare. It had a gear stick with two gears: one marked with a tortoise, the other with a hare. After all, if it’s lasted this long, there’s bound to be at least a cult fan base supplying the demand. I guess if there are some die-hard farmers out there (or perhaps wannabe farmers) who just love the idea of going to their computer to do more of what they do in reality, then this game will warm a spot in their heart. The lack of livestock or any type of farming other than crops (of which there are 4) really take away from the realism, leaving you wondering what people are really getting out of this game. There are no levels or story twists or anything to hold the interest of someone not interested in a farming vocation. There are a few core tasks that are just repeated over and over again. The game itself is also very dull after a while. Everything else, including things fundamental for the game play, ends up suffering however. With that said, the skies look particularly pretty, like the developers had a real love for designing clouds and sunsets. It’s clumpy, pixel-y and doesn’t have very much detail. This version was released in 2009 but looks like a game that was developed in 2003. The first and most obvious is the graphics they’re not great. There are quite a few things that could have improved this version of Farming Simulator. If this sounds like your cup of tea then enjoy it, as it doesn’t really get much better than this. Then you can invest this money into some upgrades for your farm, specifically the machinery, which is the crappiest of the crap.